Could I be allergic to implants?
No allergic reactions to titanium implants have been reported in more than forty years. The material has no allergenic components and is completely neutral in the body.
I am a diabetic. Can I still have an implant?
Yes, but your diabetes should be stable and under control. Poorly managed or untreated diabetes can cause metabolic problems with the healing process. In case of doubt the implantologist will consult your diabetes physician.
Are there any medicaments interactions?
This is possible with some medicaments If you take any medications regularly you must discuss this with your implantologist. For example, cortisone may change the metabolism and immune situation of the body, which can cause problems with healing. Anticoagulation medications may cause serious bleeding during implant placement.
Are there any diseases that make an implant placement impossible?
Usually not. If you suffer from a serious general condition such as cardiovascular diseases or osteoporosis, tendency to hemorrhage or you have an impaired immune system, you should always inform your implantologist.
Are there risks involved with the implant placement?
An implant placement is a minor operation. Complications such as injuries to nerves and blood vessels are certainly possible when placing implants. However, the current state of diagnostics and planning make this very unlikely. When conducted by a qualified implantologist an implant placement involves no more risk than the removal of a wisdom tooth.
A sudden rejection reaction of a completely healed implant is also very rare. In exceptional cases the bone may not hold the implant in place securely enough. In that case it would not be able to resist loading sufficiently and would probably have to be removed under local anesthetic. However, in such a case a new implant can normally be placed – if that is what you want.
And if an implant becomes infected?
When detected early enough, infections, which are usually caused by bacteria, can usually be treated successfully. If you always keep the postoperative and prophylaxis appointments at your dentist and clean your teeth regularly at home, you should be safe from infection.