What should I remember for taking care of my new teeth?
Basically: care for implant-supported crowns or bridges in exactly the same way as your natural teeth. This means thorough brushing twice a day and cleaning the spaces between your teeth once a day. An extremely important point for implants is the keep the emergence positions of the implants from the gum clean. It is best to clean these areas in the evening with a fine interdental brush.
How can I care for removable dentures?
If you wear a denture on your implants, you should clean not only the denture but also the attachment components emerging from the gum twice a day with the toothbrush. And this is important: clean all around the connection to the jaw with a fine interdental brush.
Why is it so important to keep these emergence areas clean?
Bacteria in food residue and plaque can penetrate the gum and bone particularly easily at these points. This causes inflammation, which in the worst case may cause implant loss.
What actually happens with professional tooth cleaning?
When you have your teeth professionally cleaned, specially trained dental assistants remove hidden and hard dental plaque that you cannot remove with your toothbrush or interdental brush. They also thoroughly polish the surfaces of your teeth to make it more difficult for plaque deposits to form.
How often should I have my teeth professionally cleaned?
Two or three appointments will normally provide optimum protection for your implants. However, your individual situation is the deciding factor. For example, if you have difficulty using the interdental brush correctly or are more prone to plaque formation, your dentist may recommend more frequent cleaning.
Can I chew with an implant as with his own teeth?
Yes, with an implant can be like with your own natural teeth to chew food without distinction / talk and laugh.
Back home: What should I do first?
In the first few hours after the operation you should keep cooling your cheek from the outside. This will help prevent swelling or at least will significantly reduce swelling. It is best to keep ice cubes or a couple of cool packs ready as replacements.
Sit down or lie down. What is better after the operation?
If you lie down this will increase the blood pressure in your head. It is better to sit in the first few hours are the operation. Light movement will also help. A walk in the evening will stimulate blood and lymph circulation. You should avoid exertion and exercise for a few days.
And what about eating and drinking?
Avoid eating and drinking hot beverages until the effect of the local anesthetic has worn off. Otherwise you may accidentally scald yourself or bite your cheek. If you feel thirsty before the anesthetic has worn off, it is best to drink some water.
What should I eat after the operation?
Light foods like vegetables, salad or fish are ideal before the sutures have been removed. Glutinous, floury and hard foods that require strong chewing may cause inflammation. It is best to avoid such foods.
Could coffee be damaging?
Coffee may cause post-operative hemorrhages and problems with wound healing. The same goes for black tea, cola drinks, alcohol and nicotine. You should avoid all the above for the first few days after the operation.
Do you recommend a dental water jet?
There are different opinions about this. On one hand a dental water jet has a good cleaning effect; on the other hand if the water jet is too powerful it may injure the gum and actually push bacteria under the gum. If you have not previously used a dental water jet, you should not really start using one with implants.
Can I use toothpaste with whitening agents with implants?
If you frequently use toothpaste with large abrasive particles it may roughen the surface of your new crowns, which will make it easier for plaque to form. In addition, abraded surfaces will discolor faster. You should select a standard toothpaste without a whitening effect for daily use.
When can I clean my teeth again?
You can clean your teeth again on the same day as the operation. You should clean your teeth again no later than the day after the operation to prevent the formation of plaque and bacteria that may cause inflammation in your mouth. You should keep clear of the actual area of the wound. Use a soft toothbrush just in case you do accidentally come into contact with wound. Do not use an electric toothbrush or a dental water jet.
Can the wound still bleed after suturing?
There may still be slight seepage of blood after the operation; this is quite normal. However, if the wound starts bleeding heavily hours or days later, something is not right. You should contact your doctor without delay.
When will the sutures be removed?
The sutures are normally removed 7 to 10 days after implant placement. Your doctor will tell you exactly when.
What happens after the sutures have been removed?
After removal of the sutures the implant must heal. Depending on which DENTSPLY Friadent implant system your dentist has selected for you, a gum shaper will be placed on the implant after a few weeks. It will be replaced by the final denture later.
Should I remove an implant-supported prosthesis at night?
An implant-supported prosthesis is normally so firmly fixed that it can remain in position at night without any danger. If you wish, you can leave your prosthesis in place around the clock. However, a conventional prosthesis should be removed at night because it may come loose during sleep and may block the airways.