If you have difficulty finding accommodation, we recommend that you stay in Villa Baiserro, which is located in Novigrad, only 500 meters from our office, by the sea, and Villa Nina, owned by our assistant Nikolina Andročec, the new, comfortable apartments are located in the immediate vicinity of the sea in the city of Umag, 12 km from our office. For any assistance, arrangement regarding transportation and accommodation, or information, please feel free to contact us!
In our small fishing town, which is known as one of the most romantic places in Istria, you can enjoy the authentic culinary delights, sports activities, swimming and sunbathing, walking beneath the city walls, touring historical sites, the Basilica and museums or simply observing fishermen sailing in the small fishing port, or weaving their nets.
A large selection of accommodation facilities, ranging from those in private accommodation, across small intimate family hotels, all the way to the top quality 4 and 5 star hotels, offer rich content acceptable for every guest. Novigrad also features one of the most modern marinas in the Adriatic.
Villa Baissero – http://www.app-istra.com/
Villa Nina – http://www.apartments-umag.com/